Cancer  Control 2020


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05 Introduction
Dr Ian Magrath, President, INCTR and Tim Probart, Publisher, Cancer Control

07 Cancer Control 2020 Survey: The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the care of cancer patients



12 Cancer and the ageing population: Lessons from palliative care
Rowena Tasker, Global Advocacy Manager, Knowledge, Advocacy and Policy Team; Philip Martinez, Knowledge, Advocacy and Policy Team and Dr Sonali Johnson, Head of Knowledge, Advocacy and Policy, Union for International Cancer Control (UICC)

17 Sponsored feature: My Child Matters: An initiative  of the Sanofi Espoir Foundation
Valentine Leuenberger, Laurence Bollack, Valérie Faillat and François Desbrandes, Sanofi Espoir Foundation; and Julia Challinor, International Society of Paediatric Oncology (SIOP)

22 The case for collective Commonwealth action on cervical cancer
Professor Isaac F Adewole, Gynaecologic Oncology Unit, Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, College of Medicine, University of Ibadan, Nigeria and Dr Ophira Ginsburg, High-Risk Cancer Genetics Program, Perlmutter Cancer Center, School for Global Health, Department of Population Health, New York School of Medicine, New York, USA

27 The shifting global burden of cancer: Cancer Research UK’s engagement with low- and middle-income countries
Bekki Field, Programme Lead, International Cancer Prevention, Cancer Research UK and Caroline Mitchell, Research Grants and Communications Officer, India-UK Cancer Research Initiative

34 Special report on the inaugural London Global Cancer Week



43 Towards a reference centre for the diagnosis of childhood cancers in Dakar, Senegal
Professor Martine Raphaël, Vice-President, Alliance Mondiale Contre le Cancer (AMCC), France; Professor Awa Toure, Head of Haematology Laboratory, Aristide Le Dantec University Hospital, Cheikh Anta Diop University, Dakar, Senegal; Professor Cherif Dial, pathologist, Idrissa Pouye de Grand Yoff General Hospital, Cheikh Anta Diop University, Dakar, Senegal; Professor Abibatou Sall, MD, PhD, Haematologist, Dalal Jamm University Hospital, Cheikh Anta Diop University, Dakar, Senegal; Dr Fatou Bintou Diagne, paediatric oncologist, Aristide Le Dantec University Hospital, Cheikh Anta Diop University, Dakar, Senegal; Dr Fatimata Bintou Sall, haematologist, Aristide Le Dantec University Hospital, Cheikh Anta Diop University, Dakar, Senegal; Professor Aurore Coulomb, Head of the Pathology Department, Armand Trousseau/La Roche Guyon University Hospital, AP-HP, Sorbonne University, Paris, France; Dr Elisabeth Auberger, pathologist, Simone Veil Hospital, Eaubonne, France; and Dr François Desbrandes, Head of the “My Child matters” childhood cancer programme, Sanofi Espoir Foundation in Paris, France

42 Understanding breast cancer survivorship in Tanzania
Dr Nazima J Dharsee, Ocean Road Cancer Institute, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania and Professor Theresa Wiseman, The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, University of Southampton, UK

46 Cancer control in sub-Saharan Africa and its impact on health systems strengthening: A case study from Ghana
Dr Beatrice Wiafe Addai,  Chief Executive Officer and Senior Medical Officer,  Peace and Love Hospitals in Accra and Kumasi, Ghana 

49 Diagnostic imaging challenges  to the poor on the long road to the cancer centre
Dr Elizabeth Joekes, Co-founding Director,Worldwide Radiology and Consultant Radiologist,  Liverpool University Hospitals Foundation Trust, UK, and Dr Sam Kampondeni, Neuroradiologist,  Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital, Blantyre, Malawi   

53 Using the African Digital Health Library for cancer control: Dissemination of African cancer research output
Christine Wamunyima Kanyengo, Librarian, University of Zambia; Dr Grace Ada Ajuwon, Principal Librarian, E Latunde Odeku Medical Library, College of Medicine, University of Ibadan, Nigeria; Abdrahamane Anne, Medical Librarian, Faculty of Medicine, University of Bamako, Mali; Muziringa Masimba, Health Librarian, formerly at University of Zimbabwe; Nancy Kamau university librarian, Kenya Methodist University, Kenya; Justin Maranga Merande, Head of Electronic Resource Training, College of Health Sciences Library, University of Nairobi Library, Kenya; Nason Bimbe, software developer; Mercy Wamunyima Monde Librarian, School of Medicine, University of Zambia; Celine Maluma Mwafulilwa, Librarian, Medical Library,University of Zambia; Mark Lodge, Executive Director, International Network for Cancer Treatment and Research UK; Becky Lyon; Julia Royall, Principal Investigator, African Digital Health Library



60 Lowering the burden of cancer in a middle-income country: The idealist versus the pragmatist approach
Dr Feisul Idzwan Mustapha and Dr Arunah Chandran, Disease Control Division,  Ministry of Health Malaysia, Wilayah Persekutuan Putrajaya, Malaysia

66 Evolution of the role of the pharmacist in preventing cervical cancer in low- and middle-income countries
Michelle Asiedu-Danso, Department of Pharmacy Practice and Clinical Pharmacy, School of Pharmacy, University of Ghana, Accra, Ghana; Kwame Pepreh-Boaitey, Pharmaceutical Society of Ghana; Chloe Tuck, School of Health and Related Research, University of Sheffield, and Commonwealth Pharmacists’ Association, London, UK; and Victoria Rutter, Commonwealth Pharmacists’ Association, London, UK

71 Why an understanding of anthropology is important for cancer control
Carlo Caduff, Reader in Global Health and Social Medicine, King’s College London, UK



74 Mission, organization and achievements

75 INCTR Branches

78 INCTR Governing Council and partner institutions in developing countries 

78 Partners: Past and present 

Cancer Control 2020 e-book