08 Cancer Control 2016 Survey: What will the 2015-2030 SDGs mean for cancer?
12 Interview with Professor Richard Sullivan
Global initiatives
18 Recommendations for cancer control from Disease Control Priorities, Third Edition Hellen Gelband, Susan Horton, Rengaswamy Sankaranarayanan and Prabhat Jha PDF
24 Sponsored feature: Success in fighting the toughest cancers demands innovation Amgen
26 Making ethical rules for the doctor-patient relationship Bebe Loff PDF
29 World Child Cancer: Supporting partnership models in paediatric oncology Liz Burns, Tim Eden and Jon Rosser PDF
34 Sponsored feature: First French masterclass: Palliative care and pain management in French speaking and Mediterranean Africa The Universite Numerique Francophone Modiale
Women’s cancers
38 Defining a place to start – The potential of women’s cancers Sanchia Aranda and Saunthari Somasundaram PDF
44 Promising options for cervical cancer prevention in low-resource settings Scott Wittet, Joanna Cain, Ambassador Sally Cowal, David Fleming, Catherine Guinard, Jose Jeronimo and Debbie Saslow PDF
50 Improving breast cancer outcomes in Asia CH Yip PDF
Disease-specific cancers
58 Lung cancer in rural China Ya-Guang Fan, Yong Jiang and Youlin Qiao PDF
65 Is stopping Schistosoma Haematobium-associated bladder cancer a feasible goal? Monica C Botelho and Joachim Richter PDF
72 Building the investment case for cancer care with a focus on radiotherapy Rebecca Morton Doherty and Julie Torode PDF
76 Cancer radiotherapy in Ghana Verna Vanderpuye and Naa Adorkor Aryeetey PDF
Regional initiatives
82 The burden of cancer in Cuba and current strategies for cancer control Tersea de la C Romero-Perez, Yaima Galán Alvarez and Rolando Camacho Rodríguez PDF
88 Development of palliative care in Kazakhstan: Important milestones and major challenges Dilyara Kaidarova and Gulnara Kunirova PDF
93 Addressing obesity as a risk factor for cancer in South Africa: Size does matter Melissa Wallace and Megan Pentz-Kluyts PDF
99 Cancer Control in Vietnam: Where are we now? Tran Van Thuan, Pham Tuan Anh, Dao Van Tu and Tran Thi Thanh Huong PDF
106 About INCTR PDF
110 INCTR Branches and Governing Council
111 Partner institutions in developing countries
112 Partners and Acknowledgements