The Publisher and the International Network for Cancer Treatment and Research would like to thank the supporter organizations for their help without whom Cancer Control would not have been possible
Supporters of Cancer Control include the following:
- AGFA Healthcare
- Amgen
- Asian Fund for Cancer Research
- AstraZeneca
- Cancer Research UK
- e-cancer
- Elekta
- European School of Oncology
- F Hoffmann-La Roche
- International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC
- International Hospital Federation
- International Society of Oncology Pharmacy Practitioners (ISOPP)
- Janssen Pharmaceutical Research & Development, LLC
- KWF (Dutch Cancer Society)
- John Hopkins
- National Foundation for Cancer Research
- Novartis
- The Swiss Cancer League
- Sanofi Oncology
- Susan G Komen for the Cure
- Universitie Numerique Francophone Modiale
- Varian Medical Systems
To become a supporter of Cancer Control 2018
A limited number of sponsorship opportunities are available to support the publication.
To discuss the possibilities available call:
Jonathan Regan, Head of Business Development on
+44 (0) 7788 412 512 or email