Tag: Qiao

Cancer Screening And Prevention In China

Due to the increasing burden of cancer in China, the Chinese government launched a series of projects on cancer screening and prevention. Cervical and breast cancer screening are the most successful ones which cover a large number of rural women all over China. Screening has increased the detection of early cancer cases which could be treated more effectively. New technologies and highly efficient strategies are essential for expanding the current screening programmes to the whole population at risk.

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Early Detection of Cancer in primary care in less-developed countries

Early detection linked with appropriate treatment improves long-term survival and cure from breast and cervix cancer with good quality of life. Strengthening the capacity of primary care services in providing affordable early detection tests for breast and cervical cancer such as clinical breast examination (CBE), visual screening with acetic acid (VIA) and visual screening with Lugol’s iodine (VILI)

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AMR Control 2018